Wednesday, October 20, 2010

UFO disclosure has happened! Did you notice?

By Steve Hammons

Maybe it has happened with a whisper, not a major public announcement or event.

Maybe the tipping point was the recent publication of journalist Leslie Kean’s book "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record" or a recent press conference by retired Air Force officers.

Or, it could have been the steady release of information through discreet ways via Hollywood movies, TV shows and other communications platforms over the past months, years and decades.

There will continue to be people who prefer to debunk the topic as well as those who aren’t quite ready to wrap their minds around the situation.

Who can blame them? It is strange, amazing and scary.

And, maintaining security about it over past decades has been, and continues to be a major element as we move forward. From all indications, it is a highly sensitive and complex situation.

As a result, there are many moving parts that must be handled in intelligent and careful ways.


Yet, any normal person of average intelligence can review the information about this topic and easily figure out that something is going on in this area of scientific discovery.

It also seems to be a defense and intelligence matter that must be dealt with in serious ways.

We now seem to be in the period that could reasonably be called “after disclosure.”

Interestingly, a new book due out later this month is titled "A.D. After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life After Contact." Authors Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel have written this comprehensive overview that explores nearly every angle of the historical, scientific, governmental, social, media-related, psychological and educational aspects of disclosure about UFOs, unusual visitors and related mysteries and challenges.

The book looks like it will be a useful tool and interesting reading for many people as they get up to speed on these important subjects.

The transition from subtle orientation and preparedness to the after-disclosure phase may have been carefully coordinated since the post-World War II era. Dedicated people in the defense, intelligence and scientific communities reportedly worried that people might become overly fearful about new discoveries in this field.

As a result, safe and gradual acclimation and education efforts may have been implemented to enhance our psychological and emotional readiness. And, these activities probably have been successful.

The smooth transition to general public understanding about the situation seems to be in process now.


There are a lot of details. The situation is not simple. Trying to understand the many factors involved is going to be a learning curve involving our understanding of the Universe’s hidden mysteries, human consciousness, Nature and other interesting elements.

Yet, isn’t it a relief to know that humans have at least reached a level of awareness about ourselves and the Universe around us where we can accept various kinds of surprising and far-out emerging truths?

We don’t know it all and it’s probably not wise to listen to people who claim they do.

The after-disclosure period will most likely involve ongoing communication, education, counseling and orientation. We have the resources to accomplish all of these missions successfully.

And, it’s quite possible that a lot of good things will come out of this phase of human development on Earth.

We might be able to utilize new technologies that improve our quality of life. Human suffering of many kinds might be mitigated by advanced knowledge. Earth’s biological environment and atmosphere could be better protected and enriched. Greater prosperity for all people could be achieved.

The advancement of humanity might make a quantum leap forward.

Or, maybe we will just put one foot in front of the other and make steady progress in ways that lead to a bright future on this beautiful planet, and beyond.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Descriptions of UFOs vary, including ‘jellyfish’ appearance

By Steve Hammons

People who have sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) sometimes report discs or saucers, V-shaped craft, triangles, glowing orbs and many other kinds of unusual things in the skies.

Sometimes the objects are said to appear metallic and other times an anomalous energy or light is reported.

One of the more unusual kinds of descriptions includes witness reports of something that appears like a “jellyfish.”

In recent days, this description has been used, and there have been other incidents when witnesses said a UFO looked like a "jellyfish," "octopus" or appearing to be something with "tentacles."

What are UFOs and why would they have such diverse appearance? Are they different kinds of technology or different kinds of phenomena altogether?

And, could any of these possibly advanced craft and the equally possible intelligent beings who might be associated with them help humanity and Earth?


In the 1997 Phoenix lights case, at least one huge V-shaped or boomerang-shaped object with a dark surface and several bright lights was seen cruising slowly and silently over the city on the evening of March 13.

A gray-colored metallic disc-shaped object reportedly hovered at about 1,900 feet above Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport on Nov. 7, 2006.

And in other cases, a glowing “jellyfish” effect is seen by some witnesses.

A 2009 incident in Conisholme, England, included an object hovering near a wind turbine farm that the witness described as having “tentacles of light.” One witness stated it looked like a "massive ball of light with tentacles going right down to the ground. It was huge. With the tentacles it looked just like an octopus."

In a separate 2009 sighting, a Wimbleton, UK, witness said he saw something that appeared like "a large bright pink jelly-fish looking object surrounded by a pink haze."

During the multiple sightings in Stephenville, Texas, during 2008, a local peace officer viewed a UFO on police video and described it as looking like a "jellyfish."

This seemingly unusual jellyfish appearance has a logical and scientific explanation, according to researcher Ray Stanford. He says it is related to the propulsion system of certain advanced and exotic spacecraft that we call UFOs and Stanford calls "anomalous aerial objects (AAOs)."

Stanford is known as a pioneer in the study of UFOs using optical and electronic instrument systems and has been investigating this subject for decades.

He theorizes that the "jellyfish" visual effect could be a "magnetoplasmadynamic" or "magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)" field. The jellyfish appearance is not the actual object, Stanford says.

Additionally, Stanford says the tentacle-like appearance is "most often and readily visible when a craft is either slowing down or moving very slowly over an uneven surface” and indicates “constantly changing, torque-generating plasma beams."


Many researchers and possibly people in the defense community may have more knowledge about what UFOs are, how they appear and behave, and who might be involved with them.

But for average people, it may be unclear what the details are surrounding this mysterious though interesting subject.

Some advocates for more disclosure of information about UFOs say that some of the advanced technology involved could help the U.S. and humanity globally in many ways.

But are people in the U.S. and around the world mentally and emotionally prepared for more information or disclosure about UFOs? To some people, the answer is unclear. Would there be undue worry and anxiety about extraterrestrial visitors? And, is there actually something valid to worry about?

What kind of changes would occur in human society? These kinds of questions are being addressed certain movies and TV shows.

A book due out this month will also explore relevant subjects. A.D., After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life After Contact by Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel is certain to get readers thinking.

Importantly, how would our news media handle additional coverage of the UFO topic? Would they be responsible and professional journalists? Would they sensationalize or provoke fear and panic? Or, as may sometimes be the case, would they help in a cover-up of sorts?

As we move forward and gain greater readiness and understanding about the interesting subject of UFOs, there may be many factors to consider and prepare for.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

New ideas, ancient views may explain UFOs, odd phenomena

By Steve Hammons

There seem to be many indications that modern humans are discovering or rediscovering knowledge and understanding that were known to ancient people.

One example might be the research into extrasensory perception (ESP). The operational intelligence "remote viewing" activities conducted by the U.S. program known as Project STAR GATE provided solid evidence that humans do have a “sixth sense.”

Historically, other cultures have also believed that humans can perceive information from within, using what we might call intuition, instinct, gut feelings or visions.

For example, Native American Indians had “vision quests” and other kinds of activities to help them perceive in different ways. Dreams and other non-logical perceptual experiences were thought to sometimes contain valuable information as well.

Another possibly-related field of investigation is the inquiry into concepts about multiple dimensions in our universe.


One idea of how the universe might be structured is called the “Calabi-Yau space.” It has been described as somewhat resembling a crumpled-up and folded-up piece of paper.

In this concept, time and space as well as other aspects of the universe twist and turn, and even fold back upon one another. Multiple dimensions – many of which we cannot easily perceive – are nearby.

This view could explain unusual phenomena that we sometimes refer to as anomalous, metaphysical or even paranormal. They might actually be normal.

Certain ideas about the movement between dimensions seem more feasible when looking at a visual representation of the Calabi-Yau space concept.

A close proximity of other dimensions folding upon or bumping into one another might help explain odd unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and reports of beings and creatures who may cross boundaries of one dimension into another and back again.

The nonlinear view of space also can apply to time as well as other elements of life.

Things we see and experience might have multiple connections in multiple ways, some of which don’t always make logical sense to us.

This nonlinear concept is also common to Native American Indian cultures. These nonlinear views of Nature and the Universe sometimes include the circle or cycle.

According to the Oklahoma Historical Society’s Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History & Culture, “As nonlinear people, Indians are cyclical by nature. Day changing into night is a cycle, the full moon's monthly repetition is another cycle, and the seasons rotate as well. Nonlinear reality is a powerful theme in the Oklahoma Indian experience.”


However, in light of new theories about physics, even the circular or cyclical view of reality may be overly simplified.

Lakota philosopher, historian, speaker, broadcaster and musician Tiokasin Ghosthorse has noted that Native American Indians, the first people of the Americas, accept the many interesting aspects of Nature and the Universe.

Dealing with unconventional intelligent beings who may visit from time to time, different modes of human perception, alternative views of time and space, and acceptance of the Universe as a mysterious place are part of this perspective, Ghosthorse has said.

Here in North America, we are uniquely positioned to tap into this ancient viewpoint about the nature of reality and the nature of Nature. Many people in North America have mixed genetic backgrounds that include varied combinations of European, African and Native American DNA (as well as other ethnic roots).

These backgrounds could be helpful in creating a synergy of understanding by merging many perspectives and histories to come up with a new paradigm of reality.

With new theories of physics and mathematical formulations trying to explain the universe emerging alongside our ancient experiences and knowledge, we might soon discover a more accurate understanding of the world around us and within us.