Monday, February 16, 2009

Should U.S. government release more data on UFOs?

By Steve Hammons

Some people suspect that at least one craft from "somewhere else" crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, in the summer of 1947. 

People might also wonder if this incident was part of the beginnings of highly-classified U.S. government scientific research and defense-related activities.

Yet, other people doubt these ideas, or are very skeptical of these possibilities.

And still others may have inside information that there is some truth to the Roswell case and subsequent developments, but for one reason or another they help keep the sensitive situation in a semi-secret status.

Over the years, those who believe that information on UFOs should be more fully released to the public have been making their cases.

However, if information related to this topic is buried in deep "black" programs, or even within organizations that have been separated from the U.S. government, it might make an information-release process more difficult.


In recent years, some other national governments have released "UFO files" to the public.

People who reviewed information in these releases could easily come to the conclusion that something interesting probably is at the core of many of incidents and circumstances noted in government reports on this subject.

Whether part of a planned effort or not, these releases seem to be serving as a gradual acclimation for the international public about the topics of UFOs and possible visitors to Earth from elsewhere.

In the U.S., information continues to surface indicating that similar acclimation and education efforts for the American public may have been going on for several decades. These activities may have included introducing ideas and concepts into movies, TV shows and other media.

Selective leaks may have helped in the gradual release of information about aspects of the UFO phenomena.

As a result, Americans and people around the world are probably more prepared to accept and adjust to further information on the subject.


Despite this preparedness, it remains unclear whether the Earth's populations are psychologically and emotionally ready to deal with more sophisticated information on the possible situation regarding UFOs and visitation of intelligent beings from elsewhere.

Attitudes about the topic appear to be complex, and do not seem to be based strictly on educational levels, socio-economic status, ethnicity, cultural contexts and other conventional demographic categories. Attitudes about UFOs and visitors seem to transcend many of these elements of human society.

Equally complex might be the actual overall situation of the history of U.S. and international government activities regarding UFOs. In addition, the deep and unconventional aspects of the situation could be surprising and even troubling.

That said, releasing information about possible realities involved in the UFO situation will probably continue as it reportedly has over the decades – gradual and safe acclimation in ways that benefit American citizens and people internationally.

If further efforts and activities are able to make progress in these areas, then they can be carefully evaluated and implemented.

The general public will probably continue to basically keep open minds and a healthy skepticism about such unconventional topics as our understanding of them becomes more complete.